
Identify your attack surface 和 learn how to keep it safe from threats.


攻击面是, 本质上, 企业在其上进行某些操作的数字网络所造成的整体漏洞. The network in this case is the “surface.” 威胁的演员 attempt to penetrate this surface at any point they believe access can be gained.

根据美国政府的网络安全职业和研究国家倡议, 应用程序的攻击面表示暴露给软件潜在攻击者的入口点的数量. The larger the attack surface, the larger the set of methods that can be used by an adversary to attack. The smaller the attack surface, 攻击者发现漏洞的机会越小,系统中高影响漏洞利用的风险就越低.


In starting to think about what an attack surface actually looks like, it helps to contextualize it in terms of individual organizations. Every organization has different goals, therefore each one's attack surface management methodologies will look different.


A digital attack surface comprises all of the web applications deployed on any device, api, 网络安全项目, anything else that can be categorized as “digital” – or non-physical – on a network. If a business contracts with supply chain partners, 然后,他们的攻击面自然会延伸到他们特定组织的外围.


物理攻击面包括对维护网络至关重要的任何非数字硬件. 这可以是一个详尽的列表,包括服务器,端口,布线或网络电缆,物理 端点 like phones/laptops/smartwatches/smart headphones, data centers.


Social Engineering 攻击表面

如上所述,人类主要构成了与社会工程相关的攻击面. 这包括 钓鱼式攻击, “粘蜜罐”, link spoofing, piggybacking. 这种类型的攻击旨在使网络上的人类用户相信他们所看到的是完全有效的.

It could be a fake email designed to get a user to click a link that installs malware on that endpoint; it could be someone piggybacking into an office, attempting to convince an actual employee they forgot their badge; or social engineering could come in the form of a text message sent to a user that appears to be from their manager or someone else in the company.

攻击面vs. 攻击向量

攻击向量只是指威胁行为者试图访问网络的单一途径. 攻击面由整个网络上的所有向量组成,威胁参与者可能会利用这些向量.

An attack vector is 本质上 the break-in point where the attacker enters a system. 从那里, the attacker would take a thought out 攻击路径 to their desired information or resource. 恶意软件, 例如, has three main vector types – trojan horse, 病毒, worms – that leverage typical communications like email.

Individual attack vectors create small openings, 但是,所有这些入口点的组合创造了一个更大的漏洞,可以将普通网络变成动态攻击面. If your network has become a dynamic attack surface, then it’s probably a good idea to start thinking about the 安全 program as a whole, 包括 extended detection 和 response (XDR), 云安全, vulnerability risk management (VRM).

The humans that operate computers, 系统, 安全, 当网络钓鱼等社会工程攻击开始发挥作用时,网络也可以被认为是攻击媒介.

How to Identify Your 攻击表面

在网络安全计划的最关键部分——一个动态的部分——创建过程中,识别攻击者可能攻击的攻击面路径是一项练习, 多方面的, 和连续.

根据 Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP), attack surface analysis can help to identify: 

  1. What functions 和 parts of the system you need to review/test for 安全 vulnerabilities
  2. 需要深度防御的高风险代码区域,以及需要防御的系统部分
  3. When you have changed the attack surface 和 need to do some kind of threat assessment

That last point aligns with the need to analyze 和 identify the attack surface 不断. 它还要求安全从业人员知道公司和安全目标何时发生了变化,以便他们能够调整风险概况. 什么可能被认为是优先的补救措施,以加强防御沿 攻击路径 yesterday might fall lower on the list today. 

如果攻击面包含攻击者可以利用的网络上的点的集合, think about how often that collection can change according to adjusted risk profiles.

攻击表面 Reduction Best Practices


  • 利用自动化安全组织可以使用自动化来删除过时的数据(旧密码), 前雇员资料, 旧的备份, 等.) or identity 和 access management (IAM) 这些政策可以简单地阻止相当大比例的潜在威胁行为者试图获得访问权限. 自动漏洞扫描还可以帮助减少弱点,从而减少攻击面.
  • 教育员工: Employees are often the weakest link in the 安全 chain. 培训团队了解攻击者如何使用数字足迹窃取凭证以试图突破攻击面,这是无可替代的. 例如, 重要的是不要使用任何个人身份信息(PII)或可公开访问的信息. 它还有助于识别有权访问最敏感系统的关键员工,并投入时间教育他们进一步保护这些关键系统.
  • Underst和 the digital attack surface: To know where weak points lie, 安全组织应该了解他们完整的数字足迹,并像攻击者一样看待它. 它是, 当然, 对内部数字资产进行详尽的了解以及它们如何在后端连接在一起并相互影响至关重要. 但, with basic internet search techniques, 组织也可以像非雇员或攻击者那样开始映射和快速了解他们的互联网存在.
  • Insititute continuous threat exposure management (CTEM): CTEM 框架是否主要关注于暴露并帮助安全团队修复对其特定业务最重要的持续和/或直接威胁. 这个框架可以包括攻击模拟,这样安全组织就可以根据威胁的严重程度来确定威胁的优先级.

利用诸如 cloud risk management (CRM), extended detection 和 response (XDR), 现在,人工智能驱动的云异常检测可以加速安全团队减少攻击面的任务,并帮助他们快速准确地消除威胁.

Read More About 攻击表面 Security 

博客: Cyber Asset 攻击面管理 101

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